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Neuro Linguistic Programming


Hi Geoff,

I did your Level lV NLP training over 15 years ago at Holua Resort a SVC property. Back in the day with Simon and Joe. Anyway hope all is well, I was wondering if you had any material I could refresh with? Thanks so much.


Robert Donsì



Hi Robert,

Great to hear from you.

You’d like to refresh the effects of that course in your head – I take it you no longer have the course notes…?

It’s hard to know quite what to advise without you being more specific about what you’d like to achieve. I believe you are referring to a Level III course as opposed to Level IV. I don’t think we ever ran a Level IV for Shell Vacations, only for Resorts USA, Joe Malone’s previous operation and that was held at Treetops in PA and was co-hosted by Dr. Wil Monteiro as I couldn’t have done it without him. So… assuming we are talking about Level III what we covered was:

I brought this set of topics together because they were the most appropriate for the job we were training for so you won’t find them in any single source. Everything imaginable is on the internet somewhere though so to progress, all you need to do is identify your topic and search. Avoid using NLP as a phrase though because there is so much garbage swamping the genuinely useful material it’s almost impossible to find anything clean and authentic. Some NLP communities have generated spurious gobbledygook by the truckload, attempting to pass it off for real science with everyone ‘in the know’ keeping up the pretence so their house of cards won’t collapse. I recommend you research the topic of interest through proper scientific channels.

I have a very small, but growing smattering of advice and ramblings on my website but have avoided posting much actual material on there because, while it might attract traffic, I earn my living by delivering training sessions. To that end, I seek clients who want to book my services!

If you need help narrowing your search or you have a specific question for me, fire away! I’ll be glad to help if I possibly can.

Best wishes,


If you have a question for Geoff, click here.